'Too soon' much?

"Hey, Maury McJewbag!"
"Yeah, Money McGee?"
"You know, we're biding our time on this 9/11 thing and all, and I know that's P.C. -- and I know they say Hollywood is out of touch with America..."
"I think we should really give them more ammunition against us."
"Well... We could do another big-budget, Holocaust movie martyring my people to resurrect the whole 'Jews run Hollywood' thing."
"No, no, that's no good, because gentiles do, too."
"Yeah, yeah. Right, right..."
(silence, both are in thought)
"I know! Let's just do it?"
"What do you mean, Mr. McGee?"
"Let's make a 9/11 movie!"
"That's so crazy it just might work! Hell, Stone has been on our ass about it since it happened! You gentiles are so crafty..."
(...And scene)
Good list! Especially the last two.
But the scene was to portray producers and random shady Hollywood people, and not the movie's director.
It's just about 9/11 films in general.
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