My little obsession

Would you online/professionally stalk this woman if she were a talented rock critic?
Well, I am. Sort of.
Sia Michel, former SPIN Editor-in-Chief (and I refuse to link to SPIN's current incarnation on principle), is now writing for the NYT Arts section. Hallejuliah, hallejuliah. Seeing her writing and Kelefah Sanneh's next to former Rolling Stoner (har har-- again, no link on reasons of dignity and principle) Jon Pareles' all next to each other is... mindblowingly good, to say the least.
Oh yeah, and she's super duper hot. There's that...
In related news: I picked up a book of collected music criticism exclusively by women called "Rock She Wrote" on my sabbatical. I haven't read it yet, and Sia Michel isn't included in it, since it was published in '99, kind of before her peak. Female critics like Ann Powers and Dream Hampton (including really foxy writer/musicians like Patti Smith and Kim Gordon!) are included. Check it out, if you can.
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