Monday, April 24, 2006


  • The recent entries of the Tallahassee Democrat's Gerald Ensley and Mark Hinson are really something. Check them out!

  • Scott, I apologize for calling your Joggers post joyless. Apparently, I had no idea what I was talking about. THIS is joyless... faceless... soulless, even.

  • Can someone please explain to me how Myrtle Beach, South Carolina gets so many shows? And why they have a House of Blues?

  • The most fun-looking concert listing ever in ATL land: Sat 06 NEXUS LIVE: punk&krunk show: norfup x alex trackstar x the
    remnant x remember golieth all ages 7 PM / $6

  • Randomly overheard at the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network's "Get Your Money Right" Seminar (via Jaded Insider): "So many people have money but don’t have no damn sense," Liles told the crowd. "You can be the statistic or the success story." -- "You don’t want to be surrounding yourself with, and pardon my expression, some weak-ass niggas," Nas added. In related news, Wu-Tang Financial has printed up its own t-shirts. Diversify yo bondz, nigga.

    Blogger Scott said...

    Oy. Joyless indeed. Then again, it is just a news brief by someone who obviously is not a music writer.

    4/24/2006 3:57 PM  
    Blogger Paul said...

    True, but that shit was PAAAINFUL.

    4/27/2006 10:16 AM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

    7/21/2006 2:00 AM  

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